
Individual Counseling
No matter how old we are, each of us does the best we can to deal with the stresses and changes that life brings. Sometimes, however, along life's journey, those stresses can become overwhelming leading to feelings of discouragement, anxiety, anger, and powerlessness (to name a few). We can feel "stuck" in patterns of thinking, feelings, and behaving. I believe that the counseling relationship offers hope.
Trauma: Past or Present​
Divorce & Visitation
Deployment and Return & Reunion
Chronic Pain & Illness
Caretaker Stress
Grief & Loss
Employment Problems
Parenting & Behavioral Concerns
Academic & School Problems
Home Schooling
Single Parenting

Couples Counseling
Relationships are challenging, period. It takes work to be able to find that balance between individuality and couplehood amid other responsibities like worklife, kids, finances, obligations, etc. Communication and connection are the key to building more fulfilling relationships. Learning how to do that, and having support through that process is what counseling can provide.
Loss of Connection/Intimacy
Adjustment to Life Change
Deployment and Return & Reunion
Parenting Challenges
Step-Family Issues